You Are Always Winning The Game You Are Playing

A few weeks ago I was in a funk. Just one of those weeks where everything seemed to be going “wrong” and I couldn’t get motivated or energized at home, at work, at exercising, etc.

I then had a lightbulb moment when I was on a call with my Health Coach Institute mentor, Carey Peters. Carey reminded me: “You are always winning the game you are playing.”

What does that mean?

It means that people work diligently to receive the results they are getting.

For example, I was playing the game of, “I’m so tired and in such a funk that I can’t be productive. I just won’t get anything done this week.” And I was winning.

But it was pretty amazing that when I decided to change the game to “I’m going to go to bed early, wake up with positive intentions and do as much as I can each day”, I started winning THAT game. Ultimately, I think the positive intention — because there is a positive intention behind every behavior — was that I was feeling pressured to accomplish a lot at work and also on my physical and mental health. But when I started thinking about it, I realized the pressure was self inflicted and I was playing the game of “being in a funk” to protect myself. To let myself off the hook from the heavy demands I was placing upon myself. When I decided to play the game of taking care of my basic physical needs and thinking positively, without unrealistic expectations, it all changed.

If you are feeling stuck or defeated, start to get curious about playing a different game.

Identify the game you are currently playing and winning, and then consider…what updated, more self serving game might you play?

P.S. If you are looking to play the game of being the healthiest, most vibrant, most energetic version of you, I’ve got an opportunity for you!

My 14 Day Reset is the perfect kick off to discover how to feel your best , shed toxins (and maybe a few pounds) and gain more energy mental clarity. Check your inbox later today for all the details (and if you’re not on my mailing list - get on it!) or just message me for the scoop! xo


Alive, Free & Feeding the Flowers


The Wisdom Within