Are you ready to break free from the diet cycle and live the life you’ve always dreamed of?

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You feel mentally and physically tired and sluggish, you can’t button your jeans and the scale just won’t budge (at least downwards).

In your frustration, you scold yourself, you get motivated to research one of the hundreds of diets or exercise programs you haven’t yet tried. So you count calories, cut out a food group, hire a personal trainer...And you do lose some weight so you feel successful.

Then, you return to the “real world” of eating and living, without knowing how to enjoy life and maintain your weight loss. Your beliefs and habits that label foods and behaviors as “good” and “bad” create guilt and overwhelm.

You again feel mentally and physically exhausted, slowly leading you back to that place of frustration and scolding yourself.

And the never-ending cycle continues…

You don't need MORE information and overwhelm - you've already got enough of that. What you need is a gentle path forward with simple, sustainable steps that actually work for your real life.

You CAN break free from this cycle of exhaustion and self-doubt!

Imagine waking up every day:

  • Trusting your inner wisdom instead of second-guessing every decision

  • Feeling energized because you finally have proven systems that work for YOUR life

  • Moving through your day with confidence instead of constant anxiety

  • Actually enjoying your life instead of just managing it

  • Showing up as the mom, partner, and woman you want to be

I believe in you, and I'll help YOU believe in you too.

Together, we'll create your personal blueprint for thriving - one that honors who you are and the life you want to create. I'll give you powerful tools to reclaim your energy, rediscover your joy, and rebuild your confidence.

You'll learn to nourish every part of yourself - mind, body, and soul - in a way that feels natural and sustainable, not like another item on your to-do list.

It's time for mama to stop surviving in the shadows of her own life and step into her power.

You've given enough to everyone else. Now it's YOUR time to THRIVE!

 “Before coaching with Jeannine, I struggled with the inability to see change as possible in several areas of my life.  Then Jeannine taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to do and that I am fully capable of changing or adding to my own story.  Through coaching with Jeannine, I have a new sense of understanding myself and what is most important to me. I have explored and identified self-care activities and healthy coping mechanisms. And I’ve realized that change is possible, but it is a process and takes time. What I loved most about coaching with Jeannine was having a safe place to dialogue my experiences, all while feeling heard, understood and supported.”

-Carley T., 90 Day Total Transformation Program

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Who Am I?

I am a certified health and life coach who helps midlife mamas change their habits and, in turn, change their lives! I’ve been where you’ve been, so I KNOW total transformation is possible and it’s the most liberating experience of your life!

The Peace & Plenty© Success System

Through my Peace & Plenty© Signature System, I help my clients implement transformational and sustainable changes through several research-based options. There are 3 KEYS TO SUCCESS:

  • the right SYSTEM for your unique body and mind

  • the right level of SUPPORT

  • personalized ACCOUNTABILITY

This is how I am able to get my clients lasting and sustainable results.

Program Options

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Food Freedom & Body Confidence Program


In this 12 week transformational program, you will…

  • release perfectionist tendencies

  • set firm boundaries to protect your time/energy

  • determine your core values and priorities

  • transform your people-pleasing habits

  • shift into alignment with your needs/desires

  • wake each day with inner confidence and peace

  • create clarity around areas in need of fulfillment

"Before working with Jeannine, my emotional eating was getting the best of me. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn't experiencing much success. She has helped me to identify the root cause of what triggers my emotional eating, and instead of turning to food, I now have a toolbox of other solutions. I now focus on signals that my mind and body are sending and pay attention to how I nourish it. I'm so much happier and healthier! Everything in my life is just better! Jeannine is exactly the kind of health coach I needed, and I'm so lucky I found her!"

-Jennifer C., 90 Day Total Transformation Program

"It's been a great couple of weeks! I have been sleeping better and I feel lighter and full of energy. AND all of those benefits happened mostly while traveling! I am thinking of spending some more time avoiding gluten, dairy, and all things processed because the alternatives I have found are just so delicious and satisfying. I discovered that there are many healthy, delicious, and satisfying foods that I just need to be much more consistent about having in my life. I discovered that when I pair the self-care of movement, meditation, and reading, with clean eating, it makes me feel whole!"

-Patty M., 14 Day Reset Program


 Change your habits, change your life