Join Me on My Journey to Health & Wellness

I’ve decided to embark on an endeavor, and I’ve decided to bring you all along for the ride, if you’d like to come (And let’s be honest...we could all use a little trip right now, even if it’s metaphorical). This journey is a restorative one. It requires an uncomfortable amount of vulnerability on my part, but growth and transformation can’t occur without honesty and self reflection. And I made a promise to myself, and my readers, when I started this blog that I would only deal in authenticity, and also ban judgement of any kind. Which, I have come to realize, also needs to include not judging myself. So here goes...

2020 has been relentless in its heartache. Sickness, death, isolation, disconnection. I have never witnessed and felt such unrest in my heart and mind. I feel as though the fragility of life has been placed under a microscope for me. Soothing this pain with food and booze became an easy daily routine. But this pattern of mindlessly escaping resulted in weight gain, health issues and has, actually, only heightened my anxiety in the end.

These realizations have prompted me to refocus on my health and take control of my overall wellness. I know I need to change my habits, with a sense of mindfulness, nourishment and balance. 

I need to balance my peace and plenty. The plenty has tipped the scale (figuratively, and literally) and I need to realign my head, heart and body to lead me back to my peace. 

I know many of you have struggled, similarly, and are still struggling. So I thought I’d be brave enough, and transparent enough, to show that you are not alone, and we can attempt to get this right. To become the next, best version of ME and YOU. However long it takes. It is never too late.

“It’s Never Too Late To Be Who You Might Have Been” - George Eliot

P.S. Please share your comments and stories! We can all go further, together! xo


You Should Go and Love Yourself


Last Minute, One-Stop Shopping for your ‘Merica Weekend Celebrations