An Attitude of Gratitude

There is always, always something to be grateful for.


We do not have control over the circumstances that life throws our way. But we DO have control over our reaction to them. We get to choose our mindset.


As I sit on my peaceful porch near the beach, my initial thoughts are as dreary as the weather.


“Why is it cold and rainy on this summer kickoff holiday weekend? 


I can’t believe it’s been one year since I got that horrific phone call on this porch that our friend was suddenly taken from his wife and son. Why is life so unfair?


My dad should be here with my mom, enjoying this beach house with us and celebrating.


I have so much work to do over this long weekend.”


It would be so easy to lean into all these emotions and wallow. I could adopt this perspective for the day, focus on a “poor me” attitude and eat and drink mindlessly to numb the negativity.




I can decide to be grateful.


I can create my own warmth with a cozy blanket and hot coffee and shift my inner dialogue.


“I am grateful to have a home at the beach with my family, where we spend holiday weekends.


I will be grateful for the memories and share a favorite story with a laugh. I will hold space and deep love for those left behind.


I will be grateful that my mom is here with us and continue to learn from her faith, strength, and ever optimistic outlook. 


I will be grateful that I have created a job that I LOVE. I will carve out work time, but make time for rest, celebration and joy.”


So today, I decide to lean into gratitude and love. This doesn’t mean I won’t feel moments of sadness or shed a tear. But I don’t have to stay in that place. I’ll appreciate this brand-new day I’ve been gifted. I’ll come from a place of peace. I will celebrate my loving mother-in-law’s birthday and consciously indulge in delicious food and drink and all of life’s plenty.


Today - and every day - I challenge you to search for gratitude and lean into love. 


There is always, always something to be grateful for.


It’s OK to Not Be Ok


Alive, Free & Feeding the Flowers