Dad's Legacy: A Life Lesson on Balance

As you may have heard me say, my dad was part of my motivation to become a health and life coach. 

On a family Zoom one evening during the pandemic, my girls decided to ask Grandma and Grandpa questions to deepen their connection.

“What is your biggest regret?” they asked.

My dad answered, without hesitation. 

“I wish I had taken better care of myself and listened to my doctors more. Eventually, it all ended up where I am today.” [health issues]

This morning, I woke up thinking about him, as I do most mornings. I was reflecting upon the tribute my brother and I wrote after he passed.  The successful business he started, his extensive travels, his quality friendships, his devotion to my mom and our family. He lived large and loved fully.

I’m sad, as I lament that he still had so much life in him yet. 

So, I found myself contemplating; If he were able to do it all over again, what might he do differently? 

He would never want to take back the dinners, the happy hours, the vacations, the parties. That I know for sure.

I like to think he’d still show up for all of it. 

Scratch that. I KNOW he would still show up for all of it. 

But - maybe with just a little more balance. 

The steak, but with a baked potato, not fries. The scotch, but just one glass less. The Entenmanns donuts, but only as a treat. Less Coca-Cola, more water.

I like to imagine that if he were here, he’d urge us to take care of ourselves and heed the health advice. 

But to never abandon the fun, the laughter, the adventure. 

To relish in the “plenty”, but in a way that leaves “peace” in our bodies, minds and hearts. 

So, thank you for the divine lesson, Dad. 

Cheers to balance…


The Wisdom Within


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