Hold Each Other

I am trying to "hold it together" this morning while talking about September 11 with my girls. It made me reflect upon all of the "holding it together" I had to do 18 years ago today. I held it together as the guidance counselor whispered the news to me while teaching a 5th grade class. I held it together for my husband, who spent days at the hospital, waiting for patients who never arrived. I held it together as friends and family members waited for news on their loved ones. And then suddenly, I just could not hold it together any longer. None of us could. We put aside the messy feelings and emotions surging within us - the anger (oh, the anger) - and instead of holding it together, we held each other. We cried and hugged and we loved our neighbor. We flew flags. We turned the other cheek and focused on what was most important- love, humanity and our country. As we reflect upon, and remember, all we lost that day, my prayer is that instead of trying to hold it together, we all try to hold each other the way we did 18 years ago: Put aside our daily, petty grievances and cry and hug. Love our neighbor. Fly our flags.

We will never forget.


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