Sunday Meal Prep

I have always enjoyed planning out meals for my family for the week. Years ago, I ordered a cute chalkboard to display the dinner plan for the week. (This was a two-fold objective: it forces me to get organized with my food shopping, and it also prepares the girls to know what’s being served each night). Now that school schedules are in full effect and the first crazy week is behind us, I decided to devote Sunday to cooking for the week. I’ve always marveled at those who do this and I blocked out my calendar to actually make it happen this week. I won’t lie…I was spent after 6 hours in the kitchen. But…I am hopeful that this investment will pay off every day this week, when there is fresh, nutritious food to simply grab for breakfast and lunch and just heat up for dinner! Below is what I made for this week, and I’m hopeful it’s all a hit and gets gobbled up! Stay tuned for the wrap up later this week…

P.S. Many of my recipes are from Skinnytaste cookbook or website. If you haven’t checked it out, you NEED you. When I discovered Gina several years ago, it was truly a LIFE changer for me. She creates the most delicious recipes and includes all nutritional info. She also labels each recipe with Weight Watchers points, Kid Friendly, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Keto, Paleo and literally 15 other categories. Gina also offers suggestions on how you can modify each recipe based on nutritional needs or just your taste. Take a peek - I promise you will not be disappointed:

Spinach Ricotta Quiche

I lightened this up by omitting the pie crust and just made it as a “crustless” quiche. Perfect for breakfast or lunch - or, even dinner.

Broccoli and Cheese Egg Muffins

So easy to make, and you can throw any veggies or meats in here. This was leftover “burnt” broccoli that I had from dinner a previous night. Pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds and you have a quick, healthy and delicious breakfast!

Egg Salad

Easy peesy lunch idea. Packed with protein and so many variations based on preference. Grab some crackers or veggies for carb watchers, and you have a simple, yummy lunch.

Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

These were quite honestly one of the best things I have tasted in a long time. The combination of flavors is perfect and just one mushroom was filling enough for my Sunday lunch. I’m pretty confident you can also substitute the steak with chicken for non-red meat eaters. (David brought this for lunch today and he’s going to be a happy camper when he bites in!)

Keto Bacon Chicken Thighs with Garlic Cream Sauce

The two chicken dinners I prepared are Keto-focused (more on that in an upcoming post) but they are certainly not exclusive to that way of eating. I can’t wait to try this dish tomorrow night, and while the girls aren’t wild about mushrooms, I think the other ingredients (hello, bacon!) are enough to win them over. Fingers crossed!

Chicken Thighs with Artichoke Hearts and Feta Cheese

So this photo is not very appealing, but this was a dish that I prepped so that I could just throw it in the oven to finish it off tonight. Again, not sure the girls will love the artichokes, but David and I will, so I’ll serve theirs minus the chokes. And who doesn’t love any meal finished off with feta?

I also threw some hot and sweet sausages that I had defrosted into a cast iron skillet and added Rao’s marinara (the best outside of homemade…watch for it to go on sale and stock up. Also at Costco!). You could do this with meatballs as well, or I have even done the same with cubed zucchini and eggplant. Reheat and sprinkle Parmesan, and voila!

I made some homemade Ranch dressing for veggie dipping and cooked up some bacon to have readily available for sandwiches or salads. Also, hard boiled some eggs to have on hand for a quick, protein fueled snack or to add to greens for a salad.

What are some of your favorite weekday/night go-to meals? What would you like to see more of? Please share! xo


Hold Each Other

