Small Habits = Big Change

If you’re an overthinker and highly introspective person like me, you likely spend a lot of time reading and gathering information to help you with your goals. But even exhaustive research doesn’t translate into meaningful progress in your life. You can’t take your life to the next level by simply using the power of your mind, no matter how knowledgeable you are. 

 If we can just commit to some small daily actions towards our goals, we can turn these into positive and healthy habits. Our lives are largely the logical result of our habits. 

By making small, intentional changes in your thoughts, words, and actions, the quality of your life can change dramatically! Here’s why…


1.    They’re much less intimidating to implement. If you’ve ever thought about completely changing your diet or adding any other huge commitment to your life, you know how challenging it can be to overcome the enormous mental hurdles that come along with your decision.

2.    Small changes slip under your radar. Our brains are hardwired to resist change. After all, whatever we’ve been doing has kept us alive thus far.

3.    It’s easy to keep getting better. If you do 2 pushups a day this week, you can probably do 3 next week, and 4 the week after. If you kill yourself and can muster up 100 pushups per day this week, how many more can you really expect to do next week?

4.    Small changes require little time. It can be difficult to find an extra hour each day, but anyone can find 5 minutes here and there. And, the less a new action disrupts your current routine, the more likely you are to keep it up.

Small changes are effective, fun, and easy to do. It’s unnecessary to take drastic steps to move your life in a positive direction. Whether you have signed on to the 75 mile challenge (or any mileage goal), committed to drinking more water daily or promised yourself 5-10 minutes of meditation daily, these little actions can yield huge transformations. So just KEEP GOING!

Share in the comments what small habits you would like to add to your daily routine! I’ll be sharing much more about habit changes in the weeks and months to come, so stay tuned!


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