YOU do YOU - Holiday Edition

As we enter December and what is arguably the busiest time of the year, it’s more important than ever to protect your peace.

To navigate the holidays in a less stressful way, it’s important that we have our priorities in check. I highly recommend that sometime this week, you take 5-10 minutes to sit somewhere quiet, with no distractions, and literally write a list of the 5 (just a suggestion) most important things that you value around the holidays. Unless you have a clear stance on what means most to you, you’ll feel pulled in a hundred directions for the next month. And you’ll likely fall into the “compare and despair” trap.

It’s so easy to feel that twang of envy and compulsion to “keep up” when reading the texts from family members who are done with their gift shopping, receiving beautiful holiday cards, or scrolling through Instagram posts of perfectly decorated homes. If we can stop for a moment and put the brakes on comparison, it can offer us space for some alternative perspective. Everyone has different priorities, situations, and reasons for doing what they do. This should not dictate what YOU do. 

Sending cards feel like a hassle to you? DON’T SEND THEM. You haven’t bought any gifts yet? TAKE THE TIME YOU NEED. Don’t have the bandwidth to decorate your home this year? IT’S OK. When we do things out of obligation, there’s no joy there. And isn’t that the whole point of the holidays? 

For me, this season, I have some health issues that will limit my capacity. So, I’m only doing what I can and what’s most important to me and my family. I want to use the energy I have to enjoy the small moments and celebrate the gift of togetherness. 

When that “compare and despair” mode creeps in, try this on: Smile and say, “What a beautiful tree/card/gift wrapping/meal/etc.!” And move on! It is possible to appreciate things without them having to be right for you. The bottom line is this: The only thing that will foster peace and joy in your heart this time of year is YOU being authentically YOU. And THAT is the greatest gift you can give your family and friends. 


The Wheel of Life


P&P Easy Holiday Recipes