The Wheel of Life

As 2021 draws to a close, many of us find ourselves looking forward to a new year, with new possibilities. It’s also a time for reflection; what have we learned and accomplished over the past year? Focusing on our wins and our successes helps empower us to grow further. 


As you set your intentions for the coming year, I ask you to consider the Wheel of Life. This wheel represents the different aspects of our lives. Where do you feel most satisfied right now? Where might you place your focus and energy in the new year?


This tool is an important part of my coaching tool kit and it has helped many create a more balanced, fulfilled life of their dreams. I’m pleased to share it with you and encourage you to answer the accompanying questions and reflect a bit.


Please email me at if you’d like a printable copy OR to learn more about how my coaching system can help you make 2022 your most nourishing, fulfilled year yet!  


New Year, Same Me


YOU do YOU - Holiday Edition