New Year, Same Me

For years it was the same old story.


January 1st I would dive into the “NEW me” approach and tackle structured routines and habits (and of course…always a diet).


I would use my shiny new planner, commit to Dry January, start counting macros and sign up for 5AM workouts. And it would work! Maybe for a month…sometimes two. But without fail, my old thought patterns and behaviors would slowly creep back in.


And I’d be right back where I started. Sometimes even further behind.


Enter guilt and shame over my failure, once again. This repeated experience only turned up the volume on my inner voice shouting, “See? You try to change every year, but obviously you just can’t do this. You’re not cut out to be this disciplined or organized. It’s easier to just stay the way you are.”


But all of this changed when I finally made the decision to accept ME by writing a new story.


In my new story, I decided to turn down the noise of that critical, judgmental chatter and raise the volume on that other forgotten, drowned out inner voice. The one that whispers, “Stop berating yourself. Release this intense. Just take it slowly, one next step at a time. Love yourself exactly how you are, the same way you do others you love.”


By following this new narrative and choosing my nurturing voice over the stern one, I lowered my intense expectations. I focused on progress instead of perfection. And something magical happened. I became gentle, instead of militant, with my movement and nourishment. I began waking up energized and confident, instead of weary and questioning every move. I transformed in ways I never thought possible. 


If you are ready to take the first step in rewriting YOUR story, join me this Thursday, January 13, for my Redefine Your Good Girl workshop. Let me show you the new world of possibility that awaits when you revise your old story by remaining unapologetically YOU. 


The only new routine and habit you actually need is one of consistently drowning out the voice of criticism and perfection and turning up the volume on self-acceptance and love. 


It’s a beautifully redesigned story and I can’t wait to coauthor it with you.



P.S. Click HERE to register now!


The Case for Napping


The Wheel of Life