The Case for Napping

Have you ever heard someone mention that they took a nap and your immediate reaction was, “Must be nice”! 

Guilty as charged.

But over the years, through my health and wellness journey, I no longer have that sarcastic and judgemental thought. Because you know what I learned? 

Napping IS nice!

Listening to my body has become a number one priority for me. And when my body tells me it needs to rest and recharge, I do just that. I have let  go of the shame and guilt that used to surround an afternoon snooze. 

These days, I embrace the opportunity to sneak in a nap! It leaves me more energized, joyful and a better mom, wife and coach. 

Don’t just take my word for it. Extensive research has proved that napping has the following positive benefits:

  • Boost memory

  • Reduce fatigue

  • Increase alertness

  • Improve mood

  • Improve performance, including quicker reaction time 

Need more convincing? Today, March 14, is National Napping Day. Yup, it’s a real thing!

In 1999, the late William Anthony, a psychologist and Boston University professor, along with his wife, Camille, instituted the holiday. Their intent was to overcome American cultural prejudice against napping and to raise awareness about the health benefits of catching up on quality sleep. 

"We figured this would be a good day to celebrate the importance of napping because everyone is one hour more sleep-deprived than usual," Anthony said in a 2006 BU Today article. "The fact is that the majority of Americans are sleep-deprived even without Daylight Saving Time." 

In our fast paced society, it can be challenging to get enough sleep. But, naps need not be long to be effective. Experts suggest just 10 - 30 minutes (anything longer might leave you groggy and interfere with your bedtime routine).

I hope you’ll join me today in support of the case for napping. Let’s dispel the stigma that napping is “lazy” or “indulgent” and remember that some extra shuteye improves your mood, energy and clarity. 

So if you’re feeling sluggish today, celebrate National Napping Day! Skip the Starbucks and try a siesta. ;)


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