Balancing Blood Sugar

When it comes to reducing biological and chemical stress in the body, what is the smallest, gentlest intervention we can make with the biggest positive impact? The answer is balancing blood sugar.

What is blood sugar and why is important to keep it balanced? When we say blood sugar, we're not talking about the white stuff people put in baked goods. The blood sugar we're referring to is the concentration of glucose in the blood. Glucose is known as a simple sugar and is the body’s preferred main energy source. It's important to keep blood sugar balanced because when there's too much or too little glucose in the blood, it triggers a significant stress response in the body.

Here's the good news, though! Balancing blood sugar is the single most important thing you can do to reduce biological and chemical stress so your body can heal and rebuild. This can help solve all kinds of health challenges that you may be experiencing. And balancing blood sugar is actually fairly simple to do once you know how.

7 Ways to Balance Blood Sugar

  1. Drink more water

  2. Eat the right amount (and the right type) of protein for YOUR body

  3. Consume healthy fats

  4. Count chemicals, not calories

  5. Be consistent with meal timing

  6. Get enough sleep

  7. Move your body

These might seem like simple steps, but neglecting one or more can affect your blood sugar and make room for cravings and poor eating choices to counteract the stress the body feels.

To learn more about these 7 behaviors, or for helpful tips on each one, drop a comment or send me a message!

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