Peace & Plenty Pause

It’s been a rough few days...well, to be honest, a rough few months. My passion for my brand and business, and all that it represents, is second to none - except when it comes to my family.


The challenges and sadness of 2020 have been further amplified by the tremendous loss of my beloved dad on Thanksgiving Day. 


His health challenges were a major influence on my latest endeavor of life and health coaching. And, as a small business owner, I know that I inherited his entrepreneurial spirit. 


I will not give up on my goals and dreams for Peace & Plenty.


I will, however, allow myself some time right now. I know I am strong, and I know I have plenty to help me power through. But I also know that I need to allow myself time to rest and to find my peace.


At the core of Peace & Plenty is my mission for all to live a full and balanced life. And to do this is to acknowledge that for everything there is a time and a season.


No doubt, we will laugh as we weep and dance as we mourn, as my dad would want it.


But it is time for me to take a brief pause.


And when I am back, it will be a season with more peace and plenty than ever. 


I can’t wait to share it all with you and embark on new beginnings and journeys together.

Until then, take care of each other. And yourself. 


And remember - it is always a time to LOVE.


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Balancing Blood Sugar