We Need to Give a “F”

In times of crisis, we are faced with the difficult challenge of balancing our peace with our plenty. Confronted with frightening news, it becomes dangerously easy to forgo our sense of calm and rationale and indulge in self-preservation behaviors. So, how do we anchor ourselves into a more balanced existence as we navigate these uncertain times? I think we all just need to give a “F” about…


This right here, folks, is the number one catalyst behind our every thought, and therefore action. No one is wrong to feel afraid. We are being hit with, and trying to duck, massive amounts of information and frightening statistics like a game of dodgeball. It’s ok to feel uncertain; most people do in the face of an unprecedented pandemic and its unknown economic fallout. But we need to preserve our energy by working with our fear, not against it. I think the key is to acknowledge those feelings and address them as normal. But then move on to the next “F”.


We must stay rooted in facts. It’s tough to determine what those are at a time like this, when we are dealing with such an under researched, novel enemy. Who do we trust? What information is factual? As I love metaphors, I envision myself upon a ship in turbulent waters. Who will get us through this? Whom do I want at the helm? My vote goes for the sailor who’s been in these waters before.  She or he may not have seen this particular type of storm before, but she/he has enough knowledge of the sea to maneuver us safely back to land. Similarly, I’m looking to our nation’s top institutions and healthcare professionals whose life work is around disease and control and following their lead. And once you have sifted through the thousands of stories and articles and social media posts with an objective and critical eye, it’s good to share the solid facts. 


Whatever greater being you believe in or whomever you pray to, now is the time to fall upon that conviction. Tap into the good energy, karma, scripture, whatever greater good serves you. Have faith that every unfortunate event is balanced by a good one. Consider this time a gift. We are literally being forced to stop and slow down. Read that book. Stay indoors with your loved ones and connect over conversation and games (and LAUGH).  Get outside and walk, garden, appreciate nature.

You’ve just gotta have faith. (You’re welcome for planting George Michael in your head for the rest of the day).


I believe - no, actually, I know - that we are all capable of loving thy neighbor. We witnessed it first-hand post 9/11.  So, I know we have it in us and it really doesn’t take much.  When that first “F” (Fear) creeps in and rears its voice in your head, “Do you have enough chicken?! But, are 48 rolls of toilet paper really enough?!”, I challenge you to quiet that noise by flipping the script: “Does my elderly neighbor have enough chicken?! Do those in my community with less monetary and physical access have enough toilet paper?” Yes, we need to look out for ourselves and our families, but it really does not take much to extend that consideration.

We have done hard things before. We will get through this. We just have to give a “F”.



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