Spotlight: Bethenny Frankel

Most people identify Bethenny Frankel as star of The Real Housewives of New York or founder of the Skinnygirl franchise, most widely known for her low cal margaritas. But the things for which I admire Bethenny have little to do with reality television or mixology.

I think the clearest illustration of Bethenny’s success is this: in her earliest working days, Bethenny was an entrepreneurial health foods chef, living out of her car. Today, her current net worth is $65 million. This did not happen overnight, nor was it handed to her. Bethenny created her empire via good old-fashioned hard work and determination. While achieving this astronomical success, her true grit is what has carried her through extremely difficult relationships and personal struggles.

I always admire those who feel a civic responsibility to share their plenty. Bethenny created her B-Strong corporation as a disaster relief initiative that provides real time emergency assistance to individuals and their families in crisis with much-needed gift cards, bank cards and critical supplies. B-Strong works with community partners on the ground throughout the affected areas to assess the most pressing needs and provide help. You can find out more about her philanthropic work by accessing the hashtag #thisisacrisis.

On a more personal note, the lessons Bethenny imparts in, one of her many New York Times Bestselling books, Naturally Thin, have helped me reframe my thoughts around healthy eating and moderation (something I struggle with on the daily). Here are the 10 “Rules”:

  • Your Diet Is a Bank Account - Balance your food choices. Make smart investments in healthful foods that fill you up, but also splurge when you want.

  • You Can Have It All, Just Not All at Once - You are in charge of what you put in your mouth. You can have the burger, or the fries, or the shake. But just not all at once.

  • Taste Everything, Eat Nothing - The best way to eat is to eat little bits of really delicious food, without eating too much of any one thing.

  • Pay Attention - It’s so easy to eat mindlessly without paying attention to what foods we choose, or to how they taste. Eating consciously helps you become choosier about what you eat and helps you eat less.

  • Downsize Now - Downsizing is not deprivation; it’s paying attention to portion sizes (which, in America, has become completely out of whack)

  • Cancel Your Membership in the Clean Plate Club - Dispel your mother’s advice to “clear your plate” and remember the previous two rules. Extra food left on your plate? Great! Share it, save it or just leave it.

  • Check Yourself before You Wreck Yourself - Stop yourself before you binge. Break the habit of unconscious, emotional eating.

  • Know Thyself - We are all different, and this applies to food/eating preferences. Know your hunger cues, your triggers and then prepare, based on those realizations.

  • Get Real - Focus on eating more “real” foods and less processed ones. Your body knows to digest it and how to use it.

  • Good For You - Your body and your life are your choice. You are in control of what you want to eat, how you want to feel and how you look. Take care of yourself.

Another aspect of Bethenny that I find so refreshing is her openness and authenticity. A peek at her social media and you’ll be mildly surprised at how self-deprecating she can be. Her no makeup, pajama-wearing, crazy hair Instastories are the norm. Her love for her daughter, and her pups, along with her wicked sense of humor, keep me coming back for more. Follow all her smarts and sass on Instagram at @bethennyfrankel.


We Need to Give a “F”


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